Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Maybe They're Not Dying!

I had a good discussion with a person who knows a bit about the art of gardening and assured me that the dying off underneath the plant is normal. Also a comment from Patti from the Lost or Abandoned blog echoed similar sentiments. I've got some new photo's of the same poppies plus a photo of a patch I have growing in wild dirt that I haven't displayed yet!

This first pic is of my favorite and oldest papaver somniferum which is in the green pot. The blue peg is for size comparison, if you were wondering! This poppy has grown an inch taller in the past couple of days. I believe the images should enlarge when you click on them.

The next is a top view of the same poppy:

This next pic is of the close up of the poppies I thought were dying from the extreme winds recently, but I've noticed there is still new leaves forming deep inside, so I believe that these will survive. Sadly, I did lose 3 out of the original 12 due to root rot. Makes me think I either over-watered them or the soil is way too sandy. Happily for me is the fact that there are still plenty of seedlings coming up amongst and behind these poppies so hopefully the whole garden will fill up!

I also have a patch of somniferum poppies growing in the toughest of dirt that I thought would never sprout! These are growing strongly although more slowly and are only 2 inches approximately in height. I do not care for these ones except for the occasional water and Miracle Gro, which I use on all my plants. Here is a section of said poppy patch:

Well that's about all for today. I'm just so happy that I still have many healthy and strong poppies growing. It's going to be a very long wait for the flowers to arrive, and then for the the majestic seedpod to swell. Every single one of my plants I love, from my gorgeous Yucca through to the Sunflowers and Succulents!

Happy Gardening!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, Tony, I am pshaik. Please help me by placing by blog Url on web page and my blog title is “Home and Gardening” and Url is http://www.greenarygarden.blogspot.com Thank u. Hope u will do.