Friday, September 12, 2008

The Poppies Fell over today

A very strange thing happened upon waking and performing my morning ritual of making a cuppa first, and then check out the gardens. Wee, the poppies in the pic I recently showed strong upright plants...see I heard they do fall over, but that was when I thought they were younger, as all these did at 3 weeks, I just gently propped them up again!

They fell overnight in the heavy winds we're getting here, so I hope they're alright. I lust hope the damn snails don't chew the leaves now that it's easier for them. Well the bait is there and I have caused the death of many of these shell creatures! I have many more papaver seedlings just breaking through too which was exciting! I'd love to hear from experienced papaver growers.

In the mean time my sunflowers are slightly bigger and I'll post a pic very soon.

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